Selasa, 11 September 2018

REMIT - distribution of modifications distributed in payments and blocking chains

warm welcome from me ClayMRX on this occasion I will discuss a little about the REMIT project that can be disbursed in Payment and for the REMIT team I hope that this year and this month the REMIT Project can run smoothly

We really hope to give you a teleportation portal. This route is no longer used, it is the route provided for you.

If you choose a destination from the closing path, we will give you the option to open it.

An open route will help you reach your destination.

Even the cost of reaching a vacation is much cheaper than you know.

We hope to provide you this way.


In the face of globalization, a series of obstacles between countries has diminished and global interaction between people and goods has become very practical. Especially because of the increase in the internet, the range of remittances and overseas transactions has increased rapidly. Although a very large market has created a monopolistic monetary institution, the obstacles between customers remain excessive and continue to be a constant problem. First, "overseas" transactions are slow and efficient because of systems such as the SWIFT network, while money transfer operators such as non-bank organizations and organizations have scalability restrictions.

In addition, the "exchange rate" that emerged in the global financial debate changed when we examined the political and economic leisure between countries. In this situation, there are many revolutionary techniques, especially blockchain based. The basic technology knowledge of the first generation blockchain is transparency and security through distributed ledger technology.


We have discussed money transfer methods and pricing remote locations now presents a variety of problems. This is a true story related to the current monetary and lifestyle structure, which is considered a problem that repeatedly arises with the help of several groups who have worked on blockchain-based solutions.

Remittance is of course the ability to send money. However, this is a lexical meaning in the dictionary. From a business perspective, money transfers are not only easy transfers, but also payments and extend to "what happens when we send and get something". REMIIT sees this problem from this perspective. The problem of the cost of remote places on a large market scale from remittances in remote locations, which comes from "problems and alternatives to use.

You will find some problems below that we want to solve.

* Reliability and security issues

* Profitability problems (Commission and Effectiveness)

* Infrastructure problems


REMIIT intends to innovate a business company "what happens when we send and receive something" in a new perspective. This is where REMIIT's private ecosystem, which is based entirely on block chain technology knowledge, is formed. REMIIT designs REMIIT smart contracts so the system can develop efficiently. Every participant in the REMIIT ecosystem is at the center of a business relationship.

With this ecosystem infrastructure, each participant can use various channels to overcome current problems. In the end, ecosystem barriers to foreign trade precedents will be overcome by using more than a few channels, the market will develop and increase activity.

* REMIIT Smart contract

* Token level system: how to solve the paradox of cryptography

* REMIIT Payment Gateway protocol extension

At present, more than a few attempts have been made to commercialize blockchain, so REMIIT is an ecosystem that plays an important role in the delivery and payment of distant places. Unlike before, when the SWIFT code was taken for granted, many financial technology companies have tried to build several packages and to manage problems related to the SWIFT code.


The first blockchain revolution is Bitcoin and is used for fees and to send money with the help of millions of people. The second revolution is on the blockchain itself. Blockchain is tested and used in various industries and in relation to each other. In addition, financial companies are not only financial companies, but companies from various sectors that work to observe blockchain technology expertise in various fields.

In this sense, it looks like the blockchain will be marketed in the near future. This technology, similar to the internet, must make the world bound and respect for the environment, not only in the monetary sector, but also in many regions. New types of society and pre-existing possibilities are created and we need to experiment with them.


A personal ICO is in progress

Pre-September ICO 2018 to October 2018

Public ICO October 2018 to November 2018


How does REMIIT work?
RSC (REMIIT Smart Contract) - The RSC system offers affordable rates and wide area networks for all participants to use money transfer services.
Release REMI - REMI is a token used in the platform to make the entire REMIIT ecosystem strong and dynamic.
RPGP (REMIIT Payment Gateway Protocol) - Providers use this interface to make payments through the system.

Characteristics of REMIIT
Algorithms are optimized for money transfer
Escrow service is used for many participants in the process
User friendly and easy to configure interface
It has a communication channel RSC
RSC Store - to store data
Benefits of REMIIT
For starters, the system runs on a blockchain platform. It is therefore transparent and secure for all participants. System participants are known for their reputation, which helps eliminate potential fraud in the system. More importantly, optimization algorithms make the process fast and easy. In addition, it is cheap and affordable to use.
The team behind the REMIIT system is an excellent system with a lot of experience to move it forward. System users can manage the credit ratings generated by blockchain transactions, allowing them to manage their credibility and benefit from a number of other benefits. Users will be able to use the REMI wallet as a direct payment method.
Details of the REMIIT token

ICO Settings
Token Notice: REMI
Pre-sale date: September 2018 - October 20, 18
Main dates ICO: October 2018 - November 2018
A separate sale for the REMI token is currently underway. You can contact them via the links I provide below:






ANN Thread

My Profile Bitcointalk(ClayMRX)

Rabu, 29 Agustus 2018

Webercoin: Business Driving Token in Weberhub Social Market

hi friend of mine a warm welcome from me ClayMRX on this occasion I will discuss a little about Webercoin project what is Webercoin Webercoin is a Business Driving Token in Weberhub Social Market

Hasil gambar untuk webercoin bounty
Social networks have increased in popularity over the past few years, becoming an important part of our lives. Networks serve to connect people on many levels from different jobs and spheres. Data from network users has become valuable to advertisers looking for an audience that can purchase their products.

What is Webercoin?

Webercoin is a digital currency that feeds the WeberHub market, connecting enterprises with users on an easy-to-use platform, rewarding them for participating on the platform, all in the advertising network system. Using Webercoin, the main token on the platform, as well as other widely used tokens, companies interact better with their customers, and customers are rewarded for using the platform.
WeberHub is a platform that unites, increasing the interaction between enterprises and customers with inexpensive advertising.


Enterprises fail because of the lack of effective advertising.
Increase the price of advertising in comparison with native advertising.
Increase in identity theft and hacking of social networks.
Users do not want their personal data stored on the Internet without their knowledge.

Transparency Blockchain.
It provides full transparency in a secure and efficient network. All transactions on the WeberHub platform use Webercoin - a crypto currency, built on Ethereum technology.
Safe platform.
WeberHub is built on the Ethereum platform, one of the safest platforms. Users do not need to worry about theft or loss of data. Confidentiality is guaranteed and absolutely no data is sold to third parties.
Effective advertising with reward.
On the WeberHub platform, business owners are rewarded for advertising on the platform, and users for the rating or recommendation of the business.
The WeberHub platform is a digital market where business owners can meet their desired audience, users also have the opportunity to connect to their preferred business.
Return on advertising costs.
On WeberHub users are guaranteed a good return on investment on advertising placed on the platform, and low cost for posted advertising.
How does WeberHub work?


On the WeberHub platform, companies and their ideal users can connect as closely as they want, without complex and costly processes. Through interactions, surveys, recommendations and much more, users are rewarded, as they connect with their preferred businesses without barriers. In addition, all information of platform users is securely stored on the Ethereum platform in Blockchain, users are not afraid that their personal information will be accessible to undesirable parties.

Webercoin (WBC)

Tokens shared on the platform reduce barriers to entry into the crypto-currency ecosystem, which makes it simple and profitable for users. Webercoin (WBC) is used to reward both companies and users, allowing them to earn through actions such as the ranking of companies on the WeberHub platform, whose proposals stand out. Webercoin will be used to collect advertising revenue through advertisements.

Problems in the current market

In the field of advertising in social networks, it becomes increasingly difficult for users to interact directly with enterprises, and for enterprises to communicate with customers who are interested in what their business can offer. It is difficult for enterprises to connect with social influential people and to use more solid relations with them to grow their user base. In addition, spending on advertising on traditional social networking platforms has dramatically increased, and platforms do not create markets where businesses and users can interact seamlessly and positively. Users lack the confidentiality, because their information on existing social platforms is available to external parties.

Business solution
With the help of Webercoin, companies can attract customers who are more likely to buy from them, and at much lower advertising costs than current social networking platforms. This gives them an increased return on their advertising investments and better relationships with their customers, which positively affects their profits.

Solution for users
Users get access to a wide range of products and services in their localities and beyond that meet their specific needs, with the opportunity to evaluate the business and get a reward for it.

Road map


Decentralized Application


ICO & Token Information

ICO price: $ 0.5
July 28 - August 4 35% discount
August 5 - August 12 25% discount
August 13 - August 20 discount 15%
Names Token: WBC
Standard: ERC20
Supply: 100,000,000
Soft stamp: 200,000 USD
Platform: Ethereum
Price: 1 WBC = 0,0003488 ETH
Payment: ETH, BTC
Hard stamp: 20,000,000 USD

Token Allocation Information

Team Member


Additional information from Webercoin in Medium that they are currently collaborating with Bancor, integrating the Bancor Protocol to provide sustainable liquidity for the WeberHub platform. Webercoin has completed the presale and raised $ 140,000. For updated information about this project, you can join the telegram channel and visit the Webercoin website:

For more detailed information below,

My profile Bitcointalk: ClayMRX

Minggu, 26 Agustus 2018

Berita seputar bitcoin. Masjid Ini Bakal Terima Zakat Pakai Bitcoin

Sambutan hangat dari saya ClayMRX pada kali ini saya akan membahas seputar bitcoin

Pembayaran zakat semakin berkembang seiring perkembangan zaman. Salah satunya pembayaran zakat dengan menggunakan uang digital.

Di Inggris, sebuah masjid menerima pembayaran zakat dengan Bitcoin dan Ethereum. Masjid Ramadhan, mesjid di Hackney, London bagian timur, Inggris yang menerima zakat dan sedekah dalam bentuk bitcoin dan ethereum.

Tempat ibadah ini akan menjadi yang pertama di dunia sebagai masjid yang menerima zakat dan sedekah.

Pimpinan masjid Ramadhan dapat mengumpulkan 10 ribu poundsterling atau sekitar Rp 186 juta dalam bentuk mata uang digital itu.

Uang itu akan digunakan untuk memperbaiki perangkat masjid. "Kami tunggu hal ini dapat menarik perhatian ke dunia Muslim, kami butuh," kata Ketua Dewan Kesejahteraan, Erkin Guney, mengutip dari laman Alarabiya, seperti yang ditulis Sabtu (2/6/2018).

"Saya tumbuh di sini dan saya melihat komunitas berkembang dan berjuang untuk tempat tinggal, makanan, biaya pemakaman, dan dari pemerintah," tambah Guney.

Dia menilai, mata uang digital cukup besar di dunia Islam. Oleh karena itu, pihaknya berinisiatif untuk menarik lebih banyak penyumbang dengan uang baru.

"Kami telah menciptakan platform baru bagi Muslim yang lebih sejahtera di luar komunitas kami untuk mendukung dan berdonasi ke mesjid kami," tutur Guney.

Masjid Ramadan telah menggabungkan kerja sama dengan perusahaan startup blockchain mengembangkan aplikasi Combo Innovation. Perusahaan teknologi ini disebut sebagai solusi keuangan yang memenuhi syariat Islam tentang bagaimana menerima, menyimpan, dan menjual mata uang digital secara keseluruhan.

Donasi dapat dilakukan melalui halaman resmi masjid menggunakan kode QR dan segera tertransfer ke digital mata uang digital. Dompet ini berfungsi secara transparan untuk menghasilkan uang dan pencucian uang. Nanti, donasi yang terkumpul dijual dengan poundsterling atau ditukar dengan Bitcoin Lokal Inggris.

"Jika Muslim, yang seperempat dari dunia hanya mendapat 1 persen Bitcoin, ada uang sekitar 1,04 miliar poundsterling (setara Rp19,2 triliun), maka ada 26 juta poundsterling (setara Rp482 miliar) dana zakat," ujar Pendiri Combo Inovasi, Gurmit Singh.

Singh mengatakan saat ini belum ada masjid atau lembaga penerima islam is a zakat dalam bentuk mata uang digital. "Mereka menggunakan koin jutaan pound," tutur dan dia melanjutkan ...

Sekian dari saya....